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Conference Retreat (Onsite) 2025

Conference Prayer Retreats are preached retreats. There will be presentations each day, time for individual prayer and reflection, and the opportunity to be guided by the facilitator and spiritual companion. Conference retreats help to introduce the retreatant to exterior and interior silence, and to make a sacred space where God can engage them in a closer relationship with Him.

The following are the upcoming onsite Conference Prayer Retreats in 2025: 

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    This retreat aimed to provide a quiet and restful time with the Lord away from your tired and stressful schedule. There will only be one short conference per day to offer you points for your prayer and reflection. The remaining time of the day is for you to rest and spend time with the Lord.

    Check-in on Thursday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Prayer as Relationship with God: Do you feel that you are caught in a loop when it come to prayer and you are not moving forward? Do you wonder why prayer work for some people - they and their life changed, while not so for others? This retreat explain the meaning of prayer and guide you through prayer methods of the Ignatian tradition that may help improve your prayer life.

    Check-in on Thursday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Bro Ian Cribb, SJ

    In the gospels we see Jesus doing three things; first, he encounters
    people, in the ordinary circumstances of their lives. Second, Jesus
    responds to their needs and third, he opens a new vision, ‘the Kingdom’.
    In this retreat, we will follow Jesus in the gospels as he brings good news
    to the poor.

    Ian Cribb entered the Society of Jesus in Melbourne in 1971. After studies, he was assigned
    to Xavier College in Kew Victoria, where he taught for sixteen years. In 1983-84 Ian was the
    Head of a school in Palau Bidong, a refugee camp on the East Coast of Malaysia. In 1991 Ian
    was appointed Assistant to the Master of Novices and a member of the Formation Team at
    Jesuit Theological College, Parkville, Melbourne. Ian has been a member of the Provincial
    Consult for three Jesuit Provincials and was appointed the assistant to the Provincial of the
    Jesuits in Australia [Socius] for three years 2003-2005.
    Ian has degrees in Education, Anthropology/Archaeology and Masters in Theological
    Studies. He also studied Ignatian Spirituality, at the Centre of Ignatian Spirituality in Rome.
    He was assigned as the Director of the Centre of Ignatian Spirituality in Sevenhill, South
    Australia and is currently the Provincial Assistant for Jesuit and Ignatian Spirituality
    Australia. Ian has accompanied many priests, religious and lay, men, and women in spiritual
    direction and the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises since 1991. Currently, Ian is a facilitator for the
    2023 and 2024 Vatican Synod Assemblies in Rome.

    Check-in on Tuesday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM1000 (SGD 1000 for non-Malaysian)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Francis Lim, SJ

    Mary experienced two conceptions: the first in her mind when she first contemplated the Son of God, and the second in her womb when she physically conceived Jesus. The first one we all share, and the second one exclusive to her. Only she conceived and bnore Jesus as a mother; but we all have had Christ conceived in our minds, in our souls, and in our actions. In that sense, Mary serves as our model. We are spiritually Christ-bearers, bearing the Jesus whom we encounter in our minds, in our souls and in our actions to others.

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Monday (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr Ramon Bautista, SJ

    In life, when we lose a loved one, we may need to enter into this process called "grieving." 

    Going into this grieving process entails facing our pains with humility and courage. It involves accepting, naming our sorrows, and dealing with them so that eventually quality interior healing can occur in us. Understanding the grieving process so that we can give ourselves to it more helps facilitate this healing in us. Pivotal to our emotional healing is the venting or releasing of our negative and sorrowful feelings caused by our loss. Venting or releasing these feelings can take different forms. For example, we can "talk" about it, "write" about it, "draw" or "paint" about it, and "pray" about it.

    Our retreat will offer ample sacred time for formal prayer and discussions on seeking a greater sense of meaning and hope in life, will contribute greatly to our inner healing and emotional well-being. 

    Check-in on Friday (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sunday (2 pm)

    (Registration closed)

    Retreat Director:   Fr Moses Kan, SJ

    13th – 16th June Conference Retreat onsite

    613日至16 (43夜工作坊)

    主题: 与圣依纳爵一起走向天主

    灵修指导: 甘国栋神父

    第一天报到时间 : 下午五点

    最后一天结束时间: 下午二点


    费用: 马幣600 (马来西亚公民)

             新幣600 (非马来西亚公民)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim

    Have you got a chance to be away to spend some quiet time amidst life’s busy schedule and expectations? How about spending some time and having a vacation with the Lord? Come as you are, to give opportunities to God to let you taste the goodness of His Divine Love. This weekend retreat is designed to guide you through various methods of prayer to be still, to use imagination while praying with scripture, to find God through nature, and to see God by reflecting on our ordinary daily experiences. There will be practical instruction sessions on prayer, time for private prayer, and an opportunity for conversation with a prayer guide.

    Check-in on Wed (6 pm) 

    Check-out on Sat (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM600 (SGD600 for non-Malaysian)

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session

Directed Prayer Retreat (Onsite) 2025

Directed Prayer Retreats are meant for individuals who have an understanding of Ignatian spirituality and the way of praying and discerning as taught by St Ignatius. They should be comfortable with silence and be able to pray within a structured time frame on their own. It is advisable for an individual to have experienced an individually guided retreat (of 3-day or 5-day) before undertaking an 8-day retreat.

The person making a Directed retreat should be able to share his or her prayer experiences with the Spiritual Companion during spiritual direction.  There will be no input session for this retreat.  However, each individual is expected to meet the spiritual companion for about 30-45 minutes daily during the entire retreat.

Check-in: 6.00 pm on the first day 

Check-out: 2.00 pm on the last day

The following are the upcoming onsite Directed Prayer Retreats in 2025:

    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1000 (SGD 1000 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Lilian Koh


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim


    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 600 (SGD 600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Bro Ian Cribb, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD 1600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr. Albert Tan, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD 1600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr Ramon Bautista, SJ

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD 1600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Kay Cheah-Lim

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1600 (SGD 1600 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Register This Session
    Retreat Director:   Fr Moses Kan, SJ

    3rd – 12th June Directed Prayer Retreat

    63日至12 (九天八夜退省-指导式避静)

    灵修指导: 甘国栋神父

    第一天报到时间 : 下午五点

    最后一天结束时间: 早餐之后, 九点


    费用: 马幣1800 (马来西亚公民)

             新幣1800 (非马来西亚公民)

    Check-in on the first day (6 pm) 

    Check-out on the last day (2 pm)

    Suggested Donation Amount: RM 1800 (SGD 1800 for non-Malaysian) 

    (The minimum number of retreatants/participants is 2 for a live-in retreat)

    Retreat Director:   Fr Moses Kan, SJ

     3rd – 7th June Directed Prayer Retreat

    63日至7 (五天四夜退省-指导式避静)

    灵修指导: 叶佩兰

    第一天报到时间 : 下午五点

    最后一天结束时间: 早餐之后,九点


    费用: 马幣750 (马来西亚公民)

             新幣750 (非马来西亚公民)

    Retreat Director:   Fr Moses Kan, SJ

    8th – 12th June Directed Prayer Retreat

    68日至12 (五天四夜退省-指导式避静)

    灵修指导: 叶佩兰

    第一天报到时间 : 下午五点

    最后一天结束时间: 早餐之后,九点


    费用: 马幣750 (马来西亚公民)

             新幣750 (非马来西亚公民)

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